
Our public sector directories are designed to assist purchasing staff to communicate with each other. As our media will be utilised on a daily basis for communications in the pursuit of best value, suppliers adverts will be seen time and again and our media represents an excellent advertising platform. In addition, our remit is to ensure that the only companies we approach or entertain for advertising are already operating in the sector in question. This gives public sector purchasing staff confidence in contacting our advertisers and this in turn generates a healthy direct response for them.

As an advertiser you will have a position in our hard copy of the publication of your choice and also our online directory.


Hard Copy:

All our publications are A5, full colour, perfect bound. Produced annually you have the choice of a Regional (e.g. NSW) or National advertisement in the following positions/sizes:

  • Full Page
  • Half Page
  • Double Page Spread
  • Inside Front and Back Cover
  • Outside Back Cover


Online Directory:

The online directory is password protected with access only available to Public Sector staff and current clients. You will be one of a limited number of nominated companies per industry that procurement staff can easily access to engage your goods and services.

  • Your online entry consists of:
  • Your full colour advertisement (PDF)
  • Your contact details
  • A hyperlink leading to your own website
  • 5 category listings for your services
  • Your region(s) of service e.g. National or NSW